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Pocketstudio.jp :: LOG :: ネットワーク社会 - Networks


Be FREE!! 何でもアリでいいんじゃない?


 私としては、どちらでも良いです。blog といっても、インターネットの中に何か制限があるわけでもなし。広告媒体として使いたいのであれば、それが良いのではないでしょうか。

 なぜかというと、今時メールマガジンに広告を入れるかどうかなんて議論になりませんよね(私は5年前に ICQ 道場 newsbox というメールマガジンで読者を1万人ほど確保しましたが、広告を入れようなんて微塵も思いませんでした。必要性も感じませんでしたし。。)。


 ここはインターネット、自由の世界なんですよ? どうして制限をうけなきゃいけないんですか、と私は思うわけです。民主主義 vs 共産主義のイデオロギー社会が終わったというのに、ネットでも右・左に壁を隔てる必要は無いでしょう。


 騙された!?という論議もあったようですが、嫌なのであれば、それこそ 2ch を使わなくたって、同じ土壌である blog の中で言い合えばいいじゃないですか。堂々と blog を使って批判を試みられている方達こそ、理想だと思います。

 一応、10 年前からネットに接続していた人間(私です)からすると「なんで blog だけで個人のつながり云々語ろうとするんじゃ」と怒りたくなります。かつて盛んだった netnews や各種 Mailing List だって、今の blog とシステムが違うだけで、本質は同じはずです。

 "blog だから"と断りを入れてしまうのは、論議を閉ざしてしまうと思います。もっと、いろんな可能性から blog を考えても良いのではないでしょうか。

--- 誰でもお気軽にコメントやトラックバック下さい。お待ちしております(^_^ゞ ---

/// English ///

The thing that the television program of Japan took up blog as advertising media becomes a problem.

I think that I am in the place where the root of the problem is different. It is to think the request of public to the blog system, and blog to be a means of communication different from the past Internet.

I think both to be acceptable. Even pure journalism : as a means of the commercial profit pursuit.

Any Internet has not received the limitation. Here is a freedman main principle society.

Therefore, I think that there may be the idea to aim at journalism by you. Oppositely, if it wants to use it as advertising media, it is permitted.

Because it doesn't become whether to put the advertisement in the e-mail magazine nowadays the agenda of the discussion.

Putting the advertisement on the advertisement and the Web site of the e-mail magazine is becoming an eternal advertising medium and a commercial operation nowadays. This current state is not thought, and I think that the thing thought to be should a prohibition is strange of business use for blog.

I think that it should leave it to individual individual's discretion even if the Internet is used very. However, thing of not troubling others and others' rights are not violated.

Here is the world of the Internet and freedom. I think that it is necessary to undertake the limitation why. Might it be in the end of the ideology society of democracy vs communism and the net not have the necessity for separating the wall right and left either.

There is no the world or nor dividing as long as we it is men that the net society also lives there. It even the business uses and, naturally, it is possible to exist.

I feel that some the people are unpleasant the commerce use of blog. "Was I cheated??" There seems to have been a discussion, too. However, I think that I should criticize by using blog in a dignified manner in case of being because business use is unpleasant.

As a matter of fact, I provoke this discussion. This feature article is a point that is up to now at all the connection of the individual, and has treated as blog is the saviour though connects with the net for ten years by me.

There was a connection of the individual also on an active netnews, mailing list, and individual Web sites before. I cannot agree with the discussion of coming to a rupture the past.

As for it, the system is merely different. The change is not in the point to which the network is
person and person's essentially connections.

I think that taking and putting prepositive because it is blog in the discussion shut the discussion. You might think about blog and the network society from various possibilities more.

投稿者 Masato Zembutsu : 2005年05月06日 17:27




