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Pocketstudio.jp :: LOG :: オープンソース - Open source



 CNET UK(イギリス)の翻訳記事。要約すると、オープンソースを教育機関で使うと、現在よりもコストを半額にできるというお話。ソフトウェアだけでなく、ハードウェアでもお金の節約に繋がるという報告が出るようです。


 日本でも教育機関をはじめとして、企業・公共団体・病院に至るまで、マイクロソフト社の製品が出回ってますね。。。既にシステムの一部としてマイクロソフト社の OS を前提に設計してある場合も多いでしょう。日本での導入はなかなか進まないかもしれません。



 実際問題、判らないことがあればマニュアルを読むことが前提になってますし(読まないのは問題外、英語が読めないのは勉強不足だーという論議もありましたか・・・)。メーリングリストで下手な質問をしようならボコボコに返り討ちにあいます。あぁ、無情。タコタコ言うくらいなら、情緒的な投稿すんなよな、気分悪い(と、こんな所で言ってみるテスト)。だから最終的に流れ着くのが 2ch であって(、この話は別の機会に……)

 ねぇ、linux.or.jp の関係者のみなさん、「タコ」の記述は拙くないでつか、、そろそろページを消された方が幸せかと、さりげなく進言してみるテスト。。。>ここの事「タコ」。と、linux-users メーリングリストで発言しようと思いましたが、タコ殴りにされそうなので止めました。うーん、病めるニッポン!ここもか!!orz オマエモナー(自己満足的意味不明(w)



--- 誰でもお気軽にコメントやトラックバック下さい。お待ちしております(^_^)ゞ ---

/// English /// The personal computer expenditure to the half in open source.

Translation article on CNET UK (Britain). Talk of making costs half the price more than present when open source is used in educational institution when summarizing it. The report of leading to the saving of money with not only software but also hardware seems to go out.

It is feeling honest "question". What do it say or is the influence of Microsoft Corporation so large also in foreign countries?

The educational institution is assumed to be a start, and the product of Microsoft Corporation appears on the market to the enterprise, the public body, and the hospital also in Japan.

It is not possible to put a number on it concretely. However, I do not think that there is room for the entry in a open source camp such as honest Linux in Japan. The introduction in Japan might not advance easily.

The number one problem is a barrier of the language. It becomes a Japanese problem because there is a barrier of English. Most of a lot of excellent software is developed in English. Moreover, there is a thing not translated into Japanese of the document either.

However, I think that there is a market there oppositely. For instance, how if the company that seriously supports open source is established?、Greenhorn it and test on which it makes remarks timidly.

If someone doesn't understand from the case in Japan occasionally, reading the manual becomes assumption. (Being not able to read is study shortage. English outside the problem do not read for myselfThere was a discussion, too. )。

It bites off one's own head if I will do an unskilled question by the mailing list. And heartlessness.

Do you know the TAKO (mean is "octopus")?
The word contains feelings of contempt in Japan. Generally, feelings are deteriorated. You will not use it in Japan.

Therefore, everyone finally flowing and arriving are 2ch. Woops! I write this at another chance.

Do not parties concerned of linux.or.jp alone do, and isn't the description of "
TAKO" poor? I am casual and the advised test whether it is slowly happier that the page is erased. It's here.

To tell the truth, I was going to make remarks on this problem by the linux-users mailing list. However, because I seemed to be made the octopus hitting, it stopped it. Well Japan that gets sick. Is it here?

I think that the Japanese should first accustom it to English. The grammar and the vocabulary are centers on an educational site in Japan in English Language Education.

After that, I think that the thing improved in the standpoint that becomes the seed of healthy business by using open source is necessary.

Then, I think that it leads to the reduction in the introduction cost like foreign
countries introduce it positively advancing also in Japan.

I expanded the topic too much. It makes remarks on a detailed point
individually renewing.

投稿者 Masato Zembutsu : 2005年05月12日 20:20




