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  • W3C、モバイルウェブ標準の普及に向けたグループを発足--ティム・バーナーズ・リー氏が幕張で発表

     実際の所、ネット上では WAP やら iモード用のタグやらが乱立しているわけです。そこに共通の仕様が出来るのであれば、携帯電話各社は標準で採用すべきでしょう。iモードも EZweb も同じ共通仕様であれば、どの携帯を使っても同じコンテンツが表示・利用できるようになるのですから。





    --- 誰でもお気軽にコメントやトラックバック下さい。お待ちしております(^_^)ゞ ---

    /// English ///

    The group of the leading figure and Tim Berners-Lee of the Internet (The concept of Hypertext was considered) seems to be examining the decision of a standard specification with the mobile device.

    Are you a very welcome? I welcome such a proposal.

    Actually, WAP and tag for i-mode are flooded in carrying. If a common specification there can be done, each cellular phone company should adopt it by the standard. It might only have to be i-mode and EZweb same, common specifications. Even if we use which carrying, it displays and it becomes available the same contents.

    This is from consumer's standpoint alone to no insistence.

    The difference is not in becoming gospel for the belt application program and the contents developer. It is a place in which it still scrambles for the pie in a narrow market named Japan now. However, because a vaster market has extended to the world.

    For instance, might it advance to the world and advancing from another country well be good. I insist that a free competition is good. It is possible to apply it to not only the cellular phone but also various equipment by this standardization. I think that I am interesting if I come to be able to fight more in common foundation to the opening.

    You do only by neither one nor the enterprise for each mind that is, and stop the cincture all-in slowly?

    ...It is another story at all. Tim Berners-Lee's distinguished services will become topics also in the net society of the future. I think it is strong so.

    投稿者 Masato Zembutsu : 2005年05月13日 07:45




