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Pocketstudio.jp :: LOG :: 作者近況-journal


MovableType のセットアップについて。- about setup -


--[ Japanese ]--

 昨日は MovableType をセットアップしました。世の中の流れにようやく追い付きましたかねぇ、、業界人として恥ずかしい。

 Weblog については完全に周回遅れ(2週ほど)の自分ですが、ようやく波に乗れてきたようです(?)。暫くはMSN スペースを使っていましたが、自由度の高さ、顔文字が使えたり、WYSING 的な編集が出来ることなど悪くはないのですが、結局自由度の高い元祖 MovableType に落ち着きそうです。



--[ English ]--

I set up MovableType. At last,

I set up MovavleType yesterday. I think that the flow at the people was overtaken at last. My late behavior is ashamed as Business People.

The use of the Weblog system is new of the time of surroundings delay. At last, I want to think that the wave was overtaken. Up to now, I had used the system of MSN Space. I think that it is good to be able to use and to use the emoticon with WYSING in the sense of the edit. However, there is a fault, too. The reason for I is that it is felt that the degree of freedom of MovableType is higher.

URL of Weblog that I established is http://pocketstudio.jp/log/ here.

I set up, and the preparation to use it in the future was complete. I think that there only had sincerely to be such a system for about ten years ago. Well, what age comes the following?I not interesting want to develop the next age to me only by waiting.

投稿者 Masato Zembutsu : 2005年05月04日 10:08




