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Pocketstudio.jp :: LOG :: 教育 Educaton





 Sony のように、既に入社試験で出身大学を記述しなくなっている企業も増えつつある昨今。大学ブランド信仰は依然のこりつつあるわけですが、質実剛健な勉強をしたい若者には打って付けの情報源となるでしょう。

 え、おまえはどうなんだ?って?? 私は大学を出てないんです。こう書くと失礼かもしれませんが、大学進学には全くメリットを感じていませんでした。中学の頃から、とにかく就職したかったので、実践を重視する高等専門学校に進学してたのでした。おっと、私の事はこれくらいにしておきましょう。


--- 誰でもお気軽にコメントやトラックバック下さい。お待ちしております(^_^)ゞ ---

/// English ///

- Does the high school student become reference of the university examination? university syllabus opening to the public -

Judging from the standpoint of member of society, knowing what you can learn becomes important. However, if it is not possible to use it, information is not significant. Because unit is given even if information on syllabus is obtained and qualification is not given because it doesn't recognize it either.

I think that I might become an important source when the high school student selects the university. Because what class by what content have been being offered before it enters a school when following is understood, opening to the public is convenient for other universities. It seems to become interesting intercollegiate , saying that "Our school is doing such a class" when competing.

The work form of Japan seems to be different from it in the world. It is not "Find employment" and "Join a company". A part of enterprise like Sony has not already described the alma mater by the company entrance examination. However, the university brand loyalty still remains. It is likely to send to the young person who wants to do a simple, sturdy study on the other hand and to become the information reality of putting.

Do it get, and why was it me? I do not graduate from university. I did not feel the advantage in entering college at all though it might be impolite when writing so. Anyway, when I was a junior high school student, I wanted to find employment. Therefore, it did because it had gone on to National College of Technology that valued practice. Woops! I will make my thing like this....

The portal site where the concessions of the open to the public syllabus are collected will go out in the future and demand will go out in the future. Of course, the person who wants to study more positively can work diligently to study if the number of member of society entrance frames increases. I think that the thing becomes the general students' stimulation. Let other universities also follow.

投稿者 Masato Zembutsu : 2005年05月14日 07:33




