
ڴ (in Chinese-traditional)

"Zembutsu Masahito" ' ' ʸサԢŪܿ͡泺ԸưŪڲۡ(̳Ҽ½ܼڸ򴹼ס)

Ū¤ŪڡʹԽɽΩԸʺԹۺŪ2007 ǯ֡â, ͭ档

ද˾«¾ɰ˿ˡľΩĸʡ, ܼҿ, ׷Ω̿ͳѱѸ, Ū͡Ūϸߵܼλ' ' ٰķ500 ǯ, ·ټȡ, ΣȲϬֵŪ岽(ѿ)

洶? , ͹Ϗ͹Ԯzem@pocketstudio.jp Ūskype ̾' zembutsu '

ٲ5231046 ǡͭICQ MSN サ, ǽμвzem@pocketstudio.jp ˾, ϢܲǽμнŪԢŪ͡


(Can you understand the rest of this Taiwan? I am studying now. Point it out to me if there is a strange place.)

ȥå   Խ ʬ Хåå ź ʣ ̾ѹ   ñ측 ǽ   إ   ǽRSS
Last-modified: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 23:24:50 JST (6498d)