

 Linux や BSD など UNIX 互換環境で動作するセキュリティツールです。
 詳細は chkrootkit をご覧下さい。


 chkrootkit 公式サイトを日本語化& chkrootkit 日本語化パッチ作成プロジェクトを開始します(2006年10月11日)。

 詳細な経緯は公式メーリングリスト の "Subject: [crt-users] May I make a translation site? (in Japanese)"に続くスレッドをご覧下さい。アーカイブ*1の閲覧はできないようです。受信されている人しか読めません。ごめんなさい。

 開発者である Nelson 氏より許諾を頂きました。
 また、Nelson 氏より オフィシャルなミラーサイトとしてホスト名*2提供の申し出も受けており、現時点で"" が割り当て予定です。快諾いただいた Nelson 氏に深く感謝します。


 最終的には chkrootkit を日本語(UTF-8)対応させるパッチを出したいです(希望的観測)


> My proposal is simple. That is in editing of pure
> In other words, I translate English of HTML
> of the site into Japanese. A display style there doesn't take
> its place.
> It is inferior to ability in reading and writing because the
> Japanese most part doesn't make English a main language in being
> disappointing. Even if you think "Is though it such easy English?"
> It is rather another problem that I am anxious. The person who
> can't discuss English in the Japanese technician of linux is the
> fact to exist in many, too. (This comes off the main subject. I
> think that it can have it know as your reference.)
> In addition, I will sometimes appear at the site if the one for
> the Japanese has renewal information. I want to provide a
> localization patch if it is possible, too.

Don't you care though you think that I will proceed with the
work with the above contents?

 開発者の Nelson 氏からは "No problem. You're welcome. Please, go ahead."(問題ないよ、歓迎します。どうぞ!)と快諾を頂きました。

日本語 chkroot コミュニティ

 日本語による chkroot 専用・関連するセキュリティ問題対策コミュニティの場として、メーリングリスト提供を準備中です。

About the translation project

The outline of my Japanese-ization project is mentioned to English here. The other day, I got the translation assent of the official site more than Mr. Nelson, chkrootkit, developer.

Deep gratitude is shown to Mr. Nelson who agreed to the translation readily. I hope that the solution which chkrootkit which was the tool which is useful even for Japan was used for is popularized by this.

The goal for the project

  • The goal is in editing of pure In other words, I translate English of HTML of the site into Japanese. A display style does not change.
  • It is inferior to ability in reading and writing because the Japanese most part doesn't make English a main language in being disappointing. Even if you think "Is though it such easy English?" (I think that this is a fact though I am sad.)
  • It is rather another problem that I am anxious. The person who can't discuss English in the Japanese technician of linux is the fact to exist in many, too. (This comes off the main subject. I think that it can have it know as your reference.)
  • In addition, I will sometimes appear at the site if the one for the Japanese has renewal information. I want to provide a localization patch if it is possible, too.


Give me e-mail if there are an opinion and a question from you to this plan.

And, when you find an error in English, I appreciate modifying it by using Wiki with the welcome.

*1 アーカイブ=過去ログ。メーリングリストのシステム上、過去ログを HTML 化する事はしていないようです。
*2 DNS の A レコード

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Last-modified: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:58:23 JST (6695d)